eBikes Vanuatu
eBikes Vanuatu is the first business of its kind in Vanuatu. years.
eBikes Vanuatu offers a fleet of 40 brand new ‘2 wheeled’ electric bikes as well as electric scooters and mopeds, for hire and purchase. The shop is located at Nambatu, (next to Asco motors).
There are also ebikes located at a number of resorts around Port Vila which are available for hire via a unique QR code scan system that Greg has created.
eBikes Vanuatu offers tourists as well as locals a clean, green, healthy and FUN way to explore Efate and Greg is planning to expand his services in 2024 to incorporate guided eBike tours as well as “round island” tours for the more adventurous folks. “Something different and new” says Greg.
Call on +678 7500360 or email ride@ebikesvanuatu.com.